
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Year 3

Roald Dahl Class and Anthony Browne Class

Year 3 Team

Useful Information




Times Tables

Times tables are essential mathematical skills and we teach them in some form every day.  With a sound understanding, children are able to progress their numeracy skills and become more confident with numbers.

When it comes to times tables, speed AND accuracy are important. We would like to ask you to help your son/daughter with some times tables practise for 5 minutes a day. There are many websites specifically set up to help children make rapid progress and build their confidence.  Here are three that you can use:


Times Tables Rockstars              

The Maths Factor                         

Top Marks – times tables             

Top Marks – Hit the Button         

Any time you can spend supporting your child to improve their times table will make a big difference.