When it comes to fundraising, building relationships with the community and supporting the staff team, being involved with the PTFA is one of the best ways for parents/carers to get involved with Academy life and there are always ample opportunities throughout the year to support Academy events and support the children.
As a relatively new school we do not have a PTFA with years of fundraising experience under our belts, especially with Covid getting in the way! We have had an enthusiastic team of parents and school staff working together top create a PTFA. As our school grows we want to continue with those efforts, supporting our school and children by delivering some fantastic events. We meet at least once per term with additional meetings when we are organising specific events.
We cannot run these events without volunteers. Can you spare a few hours a month to help support out PTFA?
If you have skills that you think may be useful to us then we would love to hear from you. You might be a DJ dad, a whizz on a sewing machine, a fabulous face painter, a green fingered grandparent or a design diva with the ability to whip up a poster at short notice. Perhaps you have some contacts who could provide raffle prizes or an employer who offers match funding or you are experienced in fundraising. Your skills could literally be the icing on the cake at one of our events. Please email with 'PTFA' in the subject if you would like to join. Please tell us a little bit about yourself, why you would like to join the PTFA and what you think you can offer the team.
For additional information regarding the PTFA please join the PTFA page on Facebook. If you have an idea for a PTFA event or feedback we would love to hear from you! Even better join us to be part of the team that might make this happen.