Attendance & Punctuality
Attendance here at Oasis Academy Marksbury Road is co-ordinated by the Academy office team, who works closely with the Designated Safeguarding Lead and the Principal on a daily basis.
Attendance and Access to the School Site
School gates currently open at 8:30am every morning and then close at 8.45am to allow registration to take place. If your child is in after 8.45am please be aware they will need to be bought to the office, signed in and a reason must be given for the lateness. This will result in a late mark for your child.
Illness's, Medications and Appointments
At times illness can permit your child from attending school. If this is the case please ensure you let the Academy know before the start of the school day. To do this, you will need to contact the Academy office on 0117 3126500 or via StudyBugs and provide the name of the child who will not be in attendance and the reason for this. If your child becomes unwell at school, they will be assessed by class teachers and a first aid trained member of staff who will determine if they are suitable to remain in the Academy. If they need to be sent home parents/carers will be contacted.
If your child is on any medications it is fine for them to come to school. We have first-aider's who can administer the medication when required. Please note that a medication form will need to be filled in and signed by parents/carers. It will need to be in date and named. These forms can be obtained from the Academy office.
Medical Appointments
Medical appointments should be made outside of school hours where possible. If this is not possible then we require proof of appointment to enable us to mark down registrations accordingly. If no proof is provided, this may be classed as an unauthorised absence.
Holidays in Term Time
Holidays for children should be taken outside of term time. It is a legal requirement for children to be in school and as such, holidays during the school term are not authorised. If you need to take a child out of school during term time for an exceptional circumstance, then this might be approved, but is completely at the discretion of the Principal. To complete a form to request to take your child out of school during term time, please click the following link:
The Attendance Diamond
You can support us with this aim by doing the following things;
- Do not book holidays in term time.
- Make medical appointments after your child has had the morning or afternoon attendance mark and always return to school afterwards.
- Do not take your child out of school unless in exceptional circumstances.
- Always ring the school to let us know where your child is and why they are absent.
- Always encourage your child to attend, as sometimes the child saying they don’t feel well could mean they are just tired.
- If your child has been ill, encourage them to attend as soon as they are fit and able.
- Be punctual and set good routines, as persistent lateness will affect their attendance.